Spring Cleaning image

We have been pretty lucky this winter here in Northeast Ohio! Just this past weekend we hit 60 degrees and it felt so good to be outside. I opened up a couple windows to bring some of that fresh air into the house. Yes, I diffuse to clean the air, but there is nothing like inhaling the great outdoors!

It seems when Spring starts approaching, I get the Spring Cleaning bug! I clean just a bit deeper here and there, but then the feeling passes, lol! I need something to follow to keep me on track and complete the task at hand. I started looking for Spring cleaning tips on Pinterest and came across some lovely lists and challenges. Some of the lists were just areas around the house that you would check mark when complete, but I needed something more…something that would challenge me to follow through (I love a good challenge). So, I found this 30-Day Challenge list on Popsugar.com. The reason I love this is it gives me direction on what to complete on a day by day basis so it doesn’t seem so overwhelming!


I have found that you are able to get more done, more effectively, by focusing on one area or room at a time. Also, it is a must to eliminate distractions! Don’t turn on the tv, or you will find it will slow you down. It is better to turn on the radio, or tune into Pandora, and choose some up-beat music to keep your energy levels high.

When you go to tackle a room or an area, don’t be afraid to get rid of stuff. If you are thinking about a garage sale in the next couple months, start putting things into piles such as “sell”, “donate”, or “trash”. Generally, the rule of thumb is, if you haven’t used it in a year, get rid of it (unless it’s a family heirloom or course). When you de-clutter an area, you’ll be surprised how much better you feel emotionally as well!

While you are de-cluttering, you may as well organize a bit too. It has been proven that organizing your space helps reduce stress levels and creates a relaxing atmosphere. This can include bringing some order to your closet, cabinets, kitchen stuff, office space, and garage. Not sure how to organize, you can get some great ideas just by looking on Pinterest. There are also people out there to hire at a pretty reasonable rate that will come into your home and help. I know of a fantastic organizer from one of my networking groups. If you live in my area, send me a message and I can hook you up!

Now, what do you use when you start to clean? I have ditched my harmful cleaning products for safe and simple concoctions that I make myself using ingredients I already have in the house as well as essential oils. Using essential oils to create your own cleaning products is not only safe on the environment, but is safe for your family too! Click on each link below for a tutorial on how to make your own cleaning supplies:

All Purpose Spray
Garbage Disposal Refreshers
Refrigerator and Microwave Cleaner
Stove Top Cleaner

Wood Polish
Soft Scrub Cleaner
Glass Cleaner
Dish Soap
Foaming Hand Wash

Are YOU ready to take the 30 Day Spring Cleaning Challenge? If so, pick a date to start and follow the chart above. Get your family involved if you want and split up the responsibilities. For me, I work out of our home, so I think I would get more accomplished doing it by myself.

Be sure to share your before and after pictures or your story by emailing me or posting to my Facebook Page. For everyone that shares, they will be entered into a drawing. I will choose a winner at the end of the month for an OnGuard Cleaner Concentrate and a 16 oz spray bottle to help you with your cleaning!

OnGuard Cleaner concentrate and spray bottle